Last week saw WBC travelling to various sites to load conatianers and other equipment, including this 3,000 Kgs item in Reading. It had to be raised from it's floor mounts and cased in a very confined space. This involved the
use of our Jackall lifters and pneumatic jacks. It was then foil bagged for long term storage before being transported back to WBC to be put in one of our storage facilities.

Second rush job of the week. This one was very delicate and also had to be foil bagged. Again, the kid gloves came out and with a bit of gentle handling, it was packed in polystyrene before being totally foil bagged. The handling indiactors were added to the outside for good measure.

Another busy week at WBC collecting, packing and fiiting anti crush frames to these cases for Russia. They could only be loaded at the clients with a Hiab, and had to be turned around in 12 working hours.
Luckily the WBC staff were on the ball and did it all in 6.

An easy little job, just requiring a good solid case and foil bagging.
The unit was going deep sea cargo and so needed to arrive in pristine condition ready for commissioning, hence the reason for foil bagging.
After the remaining air had been removed, we added silica gel, before blocking it out and nailing it shut.
An easy job .... well done !!!!!!

Once again we have been asked to park a motorbike for an European client and and what a beauty this was, a Triumph Bonneville no less.
Having strapped it to it's transportation cradle it was then easy to secure, inside the purpose built case.
With no room to move it, it was easy to bubble wrap and block out.
An other job well planned and properly parked !!!!!!